Sunday, February 2, 2014

In 2014, the Playstation 3 is the best console for pc gamers.

I have no qualms about the fact that I consider the pc to be the best gaming platform.  The reasons are many, and well known so I won't bother pointing them out in this post.  That said, whenever you restrict your gaming choices to a single platform you end up missing on a lot of great games.  And as much as fanboys try to downplay that fact, every system that has ever been made has had great exclusive games.  If you are a pc gamer, and are looking to buy a console, forget about the PS4, Xbone, WiiU.  If you don't already own one, the PS3 is the best console you can own to compliment a pc library.  In the following, I will try to explain why I believe the PS3, even in 2014, is the best console to own.  This has to do with having the best exclusive games that you can't find on pc, Sony's strong studio system, their inroads copying Steam with PS+ and having a more open system, the lack of games in next-gen consoles, and most importantly, the games.

For the past couple of years I had been contemplating the idea of buying a Playstation 3.  This past December, I finally took the plunge and bought the excellent Black Friday holiday bundle that came with both The Last of Us and Batman Origins.  Why I took so long was a combination of factors which included, a massive Steam catalog, the price being too high for a console that was released in 2006.  Yet, somewhat surprising, the biggest reason I was hesitant getting yet another console, was my experience with the Xbox 360.  Microsoft's last gen console was the biggest disappointment in videogame consoles I've had in my life.  The exclusive games had been ridden with sequelitis, and every single multiplatform game had a pc version that looked and run a hell of a lot better.  Not to mention having to pay to play online is something I despise.  With the exception of the last sentence, I firmly believed Sony's PS3 was plagued by the same problems.

One of the things that drove me to spend most of my gaming on pc was a sense that most big games on consoles were playing it too safe.  Everything had become too streamlined to minimize frustration.  It became obvious that in order to appeal to the mass market, the games had lost their voice.  A couple of years ago, I began to notice that what I had considered to be a similar problem with the Playstation 3 was completely wrong.  Games like Uncharted, God of War which had a relative high number attached to the title were made from a different mold than say the latest entries into Halo, Gears of War or multiplatform games like Call of Duty.  Why?  Because of a single word, "experiment."  All the studios working for Sony have from my perspective a hell of a lot more freedom to experiment in the "AAA" space.  You see, the thing is Sony has the 2nd strongest set of gaming studios, only surpassed by Nintendo.  It wasn't really until The Last of Us that I understood how great the exclusive Sony lineup has been in the PS3's lifecycle.  Why does this matter?

If you own a good pc rig,  ask yourself the following.  Starting with the last generation i.e. 360, PS3, Wii, which "AAA" experiences are harder to find on pc?  The answer I believe are most of the exclusives for PS3.  Many of these games have a unique take that perhaps can only be explained by having a Japanese company like Sony to fund them.  To illustrate this point, take for example Quantic Dream's game Heavy Rain.  It was clear from reading the reviews the game wasn't universally loved.  In fact it wasn't even a commercial success.  Yet Sony not only supported the game, but went as far to fund another game - Beyond Two Souls - in the same style from QD.  Why?  Because Quantic is on to something.  They are one of the few AAA studios experimenting how to tell a story through a game, and Sony believes in them.  Mind you, I have not played either game.  But looking from the sidelines, the creative freedom is evident.  Now, here is something that might shock you,  Quantic Dream is not a Sony first party studio.  And they are nowhere near the top in terms of quality to the cream of the crop of Sony studios superstars Sony Santa Monica, and Naughty Dog.  Yet all the games that Sony studios have made in recent years have been given the support to experiment, which is something the industry desperately needs.

Steam is loved by the vast majority of pc gamers around the world.  It is single handedly responsible from bringing back the pc from a zombie-like state into being the center of innovation in distribution, sales, community, and forward thinking for the industry.  Also, I will be the first to admit that is not perfect, and it has a lot of problems that Valve has to fix.  Overall, I believe is a great foundation of how to move the whole industry forward.  It is no surprise then that Sony has come up with a very Steam-like service called PS+.  It is not free, and it's not as good as Steam as a whole, but it's the best system of it's kind available on any console.  Here is a short example of how much value, PS+ provides.  I bought a 1 year subscription to PS+ for $35 while it was on sale during the holidays to extend the 1-month free-trial that came with the PS3 bundle.  In the span of about two months, I have received the following games for free through the Instant Game Collection:
  • Uncharted 3
  • Ico
  • Shadow of the Colossus
  • Borderlands 2
  • Hotline Miami
  • X-Comm Enemy Unknown
  • Resogun (PS4)
  • Bioshock Infinite
  • DmC
  • Brothers a Tale of two Sons
  • ... and a few others
I haven't even had a chance to play any of these games.  That's a ridiculous amount of value and best of all is that I have almost a full year with many, many more games to add to the collection.  The Instant Game Collection would be worth it by itself, but you get other benefits like access to betas, Steam-like discounts and a few other things.  This is starting to sound like an add, but PS+ is such a good value that is worth repeating all the benefits you get.

So let's say that you already own a PS3, or that you don't own one but rather skip to PS4 since it has more of a future.  Well let me try to convince you why you should keep your PS3 connected to your TV, or why you need to wait to buy the PS4, and get a PS3 instead.  Look at the current lineup of games available now on PS4 and ask yourself which of those game is an absolutely must play game, a killer app.  There is nothing.  If you own a good gaming pc, you can play Assassins Creed IV.  Resogun while good is not worth dropping $400 to me.  What about Infamous Second Son?  I'm sure it will be a fantastic game, but it won't be a revolutionary title.  Looking into the future I'm willing to bet, there won't be a single game that you need to get a PS4 for the next couple of years.  It took about that long until the PS3 got Uncharted, and longer until it got Demon's Souls.  Furthermore, go look online, and do a search for DualShock 4 analog sticks problems.  If we can learn anything from the past is that the first run of hardware for any product will have issues that are ironed out as the manufacturing process gets better.  For me personally, there is no reason to buy a PS4 in 2014.  But who knows, E3 might convince me otherwise.

In the meantime, there is a huge catalog of titles available for PS3 that when combined with PS+ make it a tremendous value.  Here is what I've bought so far:
  • The Last of Us
  • Demon's Souls
  • Uncharted 1, 2
  • God of War 3
Those games plus the IG collection makes for an awesome backlog that can provide entertainment for possibly years.  Then you have games like Dark Souls 2 releasing in March.  Best of all is that the majority of these games have nothing comparable on pc.  Sure, Metal Gear Rising, DmC available on Steam, but nothing with the level of quality of God of War 3.  There is nothing on pc today that is comparable to any Naughty Dog game.

In summary, the PS3 is the best console to own in 2014 if you are a pc gamer.  It complements, the superior multiplatform games, and the vast amount of indies we get every year.  The PS3 provides an avenue to experience games with incredibly high budgets that are only available because of consoles, with the a little of the  "experiment" factor that pc gamers come to expect from their games.  PS+ is a great value that allows you to build a library right away.  But most importantly, the exclusive games available for PS3 can be found relatively cheap, and the console still has some legs left with games like Dark Souls 2.  Buy a PS3 now, and let the next gen consoles build up a substantial reason why to buy them. 

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