Sunday, August 26, 2012

Udacity CS101

Decided to get back into learning mode after being lazy for half of the year. This time, I'm learning a new programming language just for fun.

Late last year I completed the A.I. class offered by Dr. Sebastian Thrun and Dr. Peter Norvig, so it was natural to check Udacity for their course offerings. Since most of the classes offered at Udacity use Python, and because I haven't been exposed to the language in the past, I decided to start with CS101 to get a feel for the language, before moving to the more advanced courses.

After 4 weeks, I'm in unit 5 having completed all the exercise that accompany each unit, and also the extra practice material that was recently added. So far I'm very impressed with the quality of the class, and it probably does a better job as an introduction to Computer Science than some of the introductory classes I took in college.

In the short 7 weeks that the class is designed to take, the student is introduced to non-trivial problem solving with Python. You get to program a very rudimentary search engine, and most importantly, you are briefly introduced to quite a few C.S. fundamentals.

Overall, I give the course my highest recommendation. It is my belief that it would be especially useful to high school students who are thinking about majoring in Computer Science, but haven't been exposed to the field before.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Accelerated C++ Solutions - Posting partial solutions

It has been a long time coming since I announced that I was going to post the solutions to the book Accelerated C++. Well, I got really lazy and procrastinated. Then at the beginning of the year, life got a little complicated so I put this on hold.

Anyway here it is. I'm posting solutions starting from chapter 2 to the beginning of chapter 12. You will notice that some problems are missing, especially all the *-0. The problems that are missing are what I remember being trivial, such as typing in the source code from the examples in the book, or slightly modifying a previous problem.

I'm really sorry, but I won't be providing detailed explanations for each solution like the author in parks computing, which you can see in a previous post I made. It would just take too much time. However, you can leave a message here, or shoot me an e-mail to arroyjose at gmail dot com, if you need clarification or help.

NOTE These are a set of solutions to the problems. There are many other ways to get the correct result, that aren't the same as mine, and in all likelihood, there are probably better solutions. A word of advice is to try to figure out the problems yourself, and use my solutions to see how another person implemented the same answer.

NOTE 2 I used Visual Studio and I'm providing the solutions in the folder structure that Visual C++ creates for a project. My apologies to those in Linux and other systems.

NOTE 3 The solutions are provided in a dropbox link until I find a better way to distribute them. At some point I intend to finish all the problems, but I don't want to give a date.

Here they are. Good luck!

Accelerated C++ Solutions